Pendulums 101: Going Back to the Basics

Pendulums 101: Going Back to the Basics

After countless pendulum coaching encounters and client sessions, we’ve decided to revisit pendulum basics since this is often requested. Feel free to bookmark this blog and keep it handy when you or someone you know has questions about how to use a pendulum and needs a quick refresher. So let's get going!


A pendulum is a tool used to gain insights or answers by interpreting its movements. Typically, it consists of a small, weighted object suspended from a chain or string. The direction and pattern of the pendulum's movement are interpreted to provide answers or guidance. For instance, a pendulum might swing in a circle, a straight line, or side to side, with each movement representing Yes/No responses. Pendulums are a spiritual and practical way to get clear and connect to your intuitive wisdom. 


It is important to follow your intuition and pick a pendulum you feel attracted to and comfortable with. Usually, one will ‘jump’ out at you. It is said that the pendulum picks you; you don’t pick the pendulum. This isn’t always the case, but we see it happen often. Pendulums are made from different materials. At HeartCentric, we use various metals, genuine crystals, and gemstones that are ethically sourced. We also use various metals. Crystals and gemstones contain healing properties that enhance your experience with the pendulum.  


Before you sit down with your pendulum, it’s important to evaluate your state of mind. Are you feeling good and clear? If not, it may not be the best time to ask yourself questions. Feeling sick, charged about a situation, or in a negative state can yield inaccurate results. If you’re good to go, begin by setting an intention. It may be as simple as saying something like, "I receive truthful answers that are for my optimal good and optimal good of all involved.” Additionally, we recommend that you get grounded. Focus on the sensations of your body. Feel your feet on the ground and practice deep, slow breathing to calm your mind and body. Visualizations are a great way to get grounded as well. Our book, Pendulums and Intuition, provides a great worksheet on how to plan your pendulum session. 


Ready? Hold the topper of your pendulum (opposite end of the crystal or metal bottom) using the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand. There are other ways you can hold your pendulum. It’s a matter of getting comfortable and tailoring your practice to make it your own. You can place your non-dominant hand underneath the pendulum to steady the energy flow. Ask your pendulum to show you a yes. Keep your hand as steady as possible. The easiest way to do this is to rest your elbow on a hard surface. Watch what direction and motion your pendulum swings. This is your individual yes motion. Note that you don't have to ask your questions out loud. Thinking the question will work just as well. 

Now do the same to find out what your no motion looks like. And do the same to learn what your maybe and not now motions are.


There are various approaches and methods to keep your pendulum cleansed, charged, and free of stagnant energy. Our HeartCentric Divine Creations pendulums are made with natural crystals and gemstones. Thus, it’s important to cleanse and charge your pendulum, just as you would your other crystals and gemstones. Once your pendulum finds its home with you, know that you’ll want to cleanse and charge it again, and then continue to do so regularly. Over time, natural stones and crystals pick up and store both positive and negative energies. Most of the time, the energy stored in your pendulum is very beneficial. It’s all about setting positive intentions for your highest good. However, if there is any negativity or old energy that has accumulated in the stones, it can inhibit its effectiveness.


We use selenite more than any other method. Selenite is a raw, white stone that has purifying and cleansing properties. It clears blocked energy, elevates the spirit, helps you access your intuition, and is an effective space cleanser. Simply place the crystals on top of or next to a slab of selenite so that they are touching for a period of time. We recommend at least an hour or two but overnight is most optimal. 


Burn a consciously sourced herb bundle over your pendulum to cleanse it while setting your intentions, saying a blessing, or reciting a prayer. Or, put your pendulum near your favorite burning incense. 

Sun & Moon Bathing 

Leave your pendulum to charge in the sun for a few hours. This will energize it with higher vibrations. Be careful not to leave it in the sun for more than a few hours as this can fade and be damaging to certain crystals, such as amethyst or fluorite.  

Unlike sunlight, moonlight is safe for all stones. Let your pendulum sit outside and absorb the moonlight for a good, deep cleanse and charge. This is an especially great method to use during a full moon or a new moon.


Like any practice, honing your intuitive abilities can take time and patience. Some find it easy to focus and connect right away, while others need more time. Both ways are great and there’s no right or wrong. So don’t fret and give up if you don’t get up and running right away or your pendulum isn’t swinging wildly. The pendulum moves differently for everyone, meaning some pendulums have really large motions, and for others, their swing is more gentle. Over time and with practice, your pendulum will be swaying like a kindergartner on a playground swing! 


Pendulums should always be used responsibly, ethically, and for the highest good of all. Being respectful of others’ privacy is key to ethically using your pendulum. Do not ask questions about other people without their permission. This will not yield accurate answers anyway as you’re not in anyone else’s subconscious and don’t know what they think, feel, or believe. 


Most importantly, HAVE FUN and make your pendulum practice your own! Pendulums can truly delight and fuel your soul. Looking inward for validation versus seeking information from external sources will always lead you down the right path. After all, knowing that you are the one answering your own questions is the most empowering and authentic way to live. Pendulums are a great tool for those just starting their spiritual journey since they provide a clear, visual way to validate your answers. They are easy to start using, but there is much more to know in order to get the most out of your pendulum practice. 

To go deeper, for troubleshooting advice, or if you’re curious about how to take your pendulum journey to the next level, here are several ways you can work with us:


With much gratitude,

Karina and Lana

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